Company Profile
M.D.A. Design synthesizes the inspirations of "beauty" and "design"; and concentrate fully on the process of analyzing the alternative approaches to achieve the splendid projects. Take advantage of owning the connate sense of beauty and gifted proportion-handle skill; moreover, exploit the accurate and reliable technology brings out the lithe and vivid scenes. Meticulously develops sincere partnership; excellently set out the elegant and astonishing trendy Italian style.

Design Concept
洞⾒細節中精微之處,為之巧妙增⾊, 開啟並收束看似單純,實則不可能的任務, 做出屬於每位客⼈與設計師間的最佳成果;
提煉精純品質,完善施⼯過程,翻玩各式情境調性, 將雋永不變的特⾊,蛻變為優雅時尚情調。
每次交託都是夢想的託付,換取客⼾滿意為最佳回饋, 我們將無形感受化作實體,使得每⼀次的需求,都結成甜美果實。
Thoroughly understand the subtleties of the details to highlight the design. Exploit various complex materials and methodical processing technology to result in the best upshot for the clientele and the designer, hence, marvelously achieves the challenges of mission impossible.
Refine the exquisite quality, flip over various tones and settings, and perfect the construction process, accordingly, bring about the polished and stylish circumstance by the timeless features.
My clientele become good friends of mine sooner or later, because of knowing each other's tastes.
Ingeniously transform the cognition of "beauty" into the realistic situation of the space. And listen attentively to accomplish entrust of dreams every time, wish to gain feedback through our customer's optimal satisfaction. Ultimately cast the most brilliant quality of each aspiration.
Design Team

- 1994 ~ 2014 唐林國際設計有限公司
- 2014 ~ 亦果室內設計有限公司